God's way to Financial Freedom - Live your "Blessed Life" Now Book
by Richard W. Hayes
$12 plus S&H
"Watch Them Dogs" Audio Sermon (CD) by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
Solomon's 17 Secrets of Wealth by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
"Playground or Battleground" Audio Sermon (CD) by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
"How To Hear God's Voice" Audio Sermon (CD) by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
$7 plus S&H
"Breakthrough before you Breakdown" Audio Sermon (CD) by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
$7 plus S&H
"The Word Of Knowledge In Action" Audio (CD) by Richard W. Hayes
$7 plus S&H
$7 plus S&H
For your seed of $300 or more into the Ministry, Rev. Hayes will send you a "Healing, Protection, & Prosperity" Kit and will send you Bible Instructions on how to use these point of contacts. "They also that dwell in the uttermost parts are afraid at thy tokens: thou makest the outgoings of the morning and evening to rejoice." Psalms 65:8 KJV - The enemy is afraid of these point of contacts as they are a token from a Man of God. Click the "DONATE" button to Give your seed online and request your "Healing, Protection, & Prosperity" Kit today! (be sure to include your best mailing address with your giving)